Thursday, August 28, 2008

Edit your photos on-line. But where?

I don't have a Photoshop on my Computer right now, so I turned to the big WWW for some help. I wanted to see to what extent can a person edit his/her pictures on-line. Well I'd say theat overall in all the editors options are quite limited, although good enough to remove red eyes, or make your pictures in a sketch mode or sepia tone.

I am trying out couple of editors and here is my quick review of the first one:

Adobe Photoshop Express
The official Adobe online application for picture editing.

It has a really nice look and feel, very mac-like :). The effects available are very basic, but I did like quite a bit of elements of this web application:
- the effects can be applied to different sections of a picture and not only to the whole picture
- a certain change done to the picture can be easily removed without effecting the entire work done on the image (changes/effects applied are treated as a separate element)
- navigation is very easy and clear
- picture upload is relatively fast, but equal to other applications as far as I can tell
- very nice slide show options - you can choose speed and order of your slideshow, whether picture fly around in a circle or just in a straight line :) etc. However, the slide show only looks stylish on the gallery of the Photoshop Express website, but not if you embed the code to your website...unless I don't know how to do it properly?

As already said, the effects are quite limited, and can't really be used for professional photo editing, but rather for a quick edit of your photos before you post them on Facebook or blog, if you want them to look a bit different

See this for the public gallery (click the play button on the album) and see bellow for embedded code. A bit of a difference between the two, eh?

For next time, I will be trying out the flauntR picture editor, so come back to see if I liked it and keep an eye open for News (TM).

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Dell Designs for Laptops

Great news for all Dell lovers (such as myself) who always believed in Dell but wished they could get their laptop in a more trendy version.

Wish no more, as Dell released new designs for their computers with art done by Brooklyn based artist Mike Ming. There are 5 design available and I have to say they look very cool. Combining colors and photo realism bring art to life...well at least according to the Dell web site.

Judge the designs for yourself and decide if they meet your taste...I know for sure that the next laptop to replace my old Dell will be one of these funky Dellios.

Read more about Mike Ming.
Check out more info on design, prices and tech details on Dell's website.

Be funky and keep an eye open for more News (TM).

"Is Slovenia A Povery-Ridden Country?" My response to L.A. Times Olympic blog debate

I went back to the L.A. Times Olympic blog because I wanted to check for an updated list of countries' medals per capita list. Instead of the list, I found countless comments that the last post generated - or rather that the last post's comment generated.

As a comment to the post from August 17th, Margarita wrote:
"Mr. Culpepper's pathetic sarcasm aside, I think it's incredibly remarkable that such tiny, poverty-ridden countries that most people cannot even locate on a map have shown such athletic prowess and talent. With all the money, support, food, propaganda and access to performance-enhancing drugs that major countries like the US and China have at their disposable, it's amazing that they don't dominate and take three for three in every event. Is that fact keeping Mr. Culpepper from acknowledging the accomplishments of these forgotten countries without lacing his entire article with biting sarcasm?"

The cause of the extremely long flood of comments are these (slightly) misunderstood words: "poverty-ridden countries". I believe that whoever Margarita is, does not know what/ where Slovenia is and probably assumes it looks a bit like something you see in movies like Eurotrip and Wag the Dog, where they show a very American interpretation of Eastern European countries. I also believe that Margarita only meant well and wrote within boundaries of his/her knowledge of Slovenia. Great...but what the flood of comments and patriotic posts from Slovenians demonstrate is what a lack of knowledge causes. Slovenian are proud of their country, as every nation is. We (yes, I'm Slovenian) tend to not over dramatize our patriotism and really don't show it that obviously, unless we come across comments like the one made by Margarita.

You have to understand that it's hard to be a small country that nobody knows about or thinks that it's still a very dangerous war zone that you should avoid. As we meet people from other countries we have to convince one at the time that our country is safe, that we have a very competitive economy, that our living standard is almost the same as in the rest of "western" Europe and so on and so on. So you can see how we get very irritated when people like Margarita say uneducated things like that. They might have been meant in a very subtle way, but to us they sound loud and hit us right in the spot that opens the "patriotic" flood gates. And I am pretty sure every nation has a spot like that...for Americans it could be saying that they are stupid, for Canadians that they are just like Americans etc.

So please, before saying thinks about any country, please make sure that they are accurate. We all sometimes say things that we don't know much about but when talking about other nations and other countries it just causes too much problems and evokes strong emotions. Sadly, floods of posts like the one on the L.A. Times Olympic blog never reach a conclusion and never promote understanding and peace.

Nevertheless, I did end up finding the latest list of medals per capita, so here it is:

1. Jamaica (7) - 400,618
2. Slovenia (5) - 401,542
3. New Zealand (9) - 463,717
4. Australia (36) - 572,246
5. Armenia (5) - 593,717
6. Estonia (2) - 653,802
7. Bahrain (1) - 718,306
8. Belarus (13) - 745,059
9. Cuba (13) - 878,765
10. Denmark (6) - 914,120

Selected Others:

11. Norway (5) - 928,891
13. Georgia (4) - 1,157,710
22. Britain (37) - 1,647,132
41. Greece (3) - 3,574,272
42. United States (82) - 3,705,178
50. Japan (23) - 5,534,279
53. Israel (1) - 7,112,359
70. Afghanistan (1) - 32,738,376
75. Mexico (2) - 54,977,700
79. India (2) - 573,997,949

Keep your mind open and an eye open for more News (TM).

Read about L.A. Times Olympic Blog's comment on the debate.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More Slovenian Golden Medals Found

Even I make mistakes... or maybe especially I make mistakes.
Thanks to the correction of the Anonymous reader I am happy to announce that Primoz Kozmos's golden medal is not the first one for Slovenia since being independent, but actually the third. Previous Olympic winners are:
- Rajmond Debevec, 50m Riffle 3x40, Sidney 2000
- Iztok Cop & Luka Spik, Double Sculls, Sidney 2000

So one could also say, that Slovenians now got a total of 4 golden Olympic medals :)

Keep reading so thoroughly and keep and eye open for more News (TM).

Monday, August 18, 2008

Slovenia leading on The 2008 Olympic medals per capita list

I am proud to report that Slovenia is number one when counting medals per capita at 2008 Beijing Olympics.

After Primoz Kozmus won the gold in the hammer throw he really did throw Slovenia to the first place of the list (btw this is the first golden medal for Slovenia since becoming a sovereign country in 1991). So for the first time in many years (or even ever), thanks to Kozmuz, Isakovic, Debevec and Polavder, Slovenia ranks as first in a Olympic rank of some sort.

Congratulations to the athletes that made this small country visible once again and made all 2 million Slovenians very proud.

Countries by medals per capita (on August 18th, as reported by Los Angeles Times):

1. Slovenia (4) - one medal per every 501,927
2. Armenia (5) - 593,717
3. Jamaica (4) - 701,083
4. Australia (29) - 710,374
5. New Zealand (5) - 834,692
6. Belarus (10) - 968,576
7. Trinidad & Tobago (1) - 1,047,366
8. Norway (4) - 1,161,114
9. Estonia (1) - 1,307,605
10. Slovakia (4) - 1,311,187

And some others:

11. Denmark (4) - one medal per every 1,371,180
25. Great Britain (25) - 2,437,756
26. France (25) - 2,562,311
35. Germany (21) - 3,922,359
40. United States (65) - 4,674,225
41. Canada (7) - 4,744,670
44. Japan (20) - 6,364,420
46. Spain (6) - 6,748,508
56. China (61) - 21,804,010

Keep cheering for your favorite team and keep an eye open for more News (TM).

100 web sites that you have to see

PC Magazine put out a list of 100 web-sites that you most likely did not see yet, but definitely should.

Visit this link see the slide show of all the 100 web sites.

One that I liked and am currently addicted to, is the Type racer. You can compete with other visitors on the site or invite your friends to see who can type the fastest. My fingers are beginning to hurt :)

Type fast and keep an eye open for more News (TM).

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Scientific research on Heath's vs. Jack's Joker interpretation

Heath Ledger or Jack Nicholson? Who is a better Joker? I thought that when I see the movie (The Dark Night) and could decide easily, but that is not the case. The problem is that you can't really compare the two Jokers as they are pretty different. So the only way I imagine, that could help me get to the final decision is a very scientific, non biased and objective comparison of the two. The control subject of my study is the Joker we all have in mind - Joker from cards (see picture on the left). He is the standard that I will compare Heath's and Jack's interpretation of the Joker too.
Let's start!

First category: Fashion style

Description: In this category Jack and Heath compete in their fashion style. Compared to the control subject, what they should have is a hat, funny clothing and elf like unfashionable shoes.
Analysis: Both Jack and Heath fail to demonstrate a crazy hat, so the get 0 points. When comparing the clothing we get to the conclusion that both don't have as crazy clothes as the control subject but wear purple color which should not be a normal men's suit color. They both get one point for courage. Lastly, shoes. I have to admit I do not remember the shoes they wore. So, since they did not stick in my memory, I scientifically conclude that they were not crazy enough to be memorable and the both get 0 points for this one.
Jack: 1 point
Heath: 1 point

Second category: Creepy smile

Description: The most recognizable characteristic of the Joker is his smile. It is what maker him very creepy and is the deciding factor for most parent's decision of rather inviting a clown to their children's parties.

After detailed study of the zoomed in and enlarged pictures of the three smiles we can conclude that Jack's smile seems to resemble the control subject more. Jack is the only one that actually has his mount pinned up in a, what seems to be, a very hurtful way, so he deserves a point for this. Heath on the other hand has very bad scars from his father's evil ways, but he fails to demonstrate a smile as we see in the control subject. He, sadly, gets 0 points for this.
Jack: 1 point
Heath: 0 points

Third category: Persona

Description: What counts here is the character, evilness and overall madness that the actor portrays.
Analysis: Jack's Joker always smiles. He is happy, dances around, and would be (if you didn't know he likes to kill people for amusement) a very good party host. Heath's Joker, on the other hand, is darker, not so happy, all about destroying simply for the pleasure of destruction. He is the "messed up, my father molested me and i am not smiling since then" Joker. It depends on the type of the viewer but my analysis shows that Jack's Joker is more suitable for happy, positive people who like to be cheerful a lot, whereas Heath's Joker suits darker, depressed, negative people better. But as they both did such a great job at figuring out what a Joker should be like, they both deserve a point.
Jack: 1 point
Heath: 1 point

Fourth category: Public opinion

Description: As this is a very objective research we have to take the public vote into account. So here are the votes from the poll that has been taking place on this blog for the past couple of weeks (i know, not that many votes, but hey it's not like I'm Yahoo! - which is by the way the most popular website according to
Jack: 6 votes (counts as 6 points)
Heath: 4 votes (counts as 4 points)

Fifth category: Personal veto

Description: Every really good research has to be at least a little bit biased, that is why I included this category. Here, my personal vote counts as 1 point as I don't want to make the research all too biased :)
Jack: 1 point
Heath: 0 points

Final results

When combining results from each category, these are the numbers we get:
Jack: 10 points
Heath: 7 points

So the official winner of the Heath vs. Jack competition is: Jack Nicholson. Congratulation to both, but fame and glory goes to the winner.

That's all for Joker happy and keep an eye open for News (TM).

P.S. Those of you who actually payed attention to what you were reading, the final scores might not make sense. I added an extra point to Heath at the last moment for his sexiness as this aspect of his interpretation must not be ignored :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ledger vs. Nicholson: Who is the ultimate Joker?

It's everywhere, so it has to be here as well. What? The endless discussion on how truly amazing Heath Ledger is in the new Batman movie. Well in that case someone needs to examine the statement. I did not see the new Batman movie yet, so i can't take sides yet, but all of you who did can.

I am starting a poll again, this time you can vote for your favorite Joker. Do you think it was Jack Nicholson who was the best smiling villain or did Heath Ledger do a better job at portraying the true evil? Vote now and reveal the truth...

I always thought that Jack was born to be the Joker, but looking at Heath's pictures he seems very promising as well. I will examine Heath's performance this Sunday and come back to you with my decision.

Till then, vote for your favorite Joker, and keep and eye open for News (TM).

Monday, July 7, 2008

Widgets that fight boredom

Here are some widgets that you can add to your blog / website. These widgets come highly recommended for being able to make a boring day a bit less boring. They are especially good for all "not so busy at work" people.

Either play the games here or add them to your page. Enjoy.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Ultimate Summer Cooldown Method

Summer is here. It's getting boiling hot even in the northern regions (from where I am writing this) which made me think of what would be the ultimate thing to do when it's too hot to even think. That's why I want us all do decide once and for all what is a person supposed to do when you get to the point of wanting to even take off your skin just to cool yourself down a little bit more.

Here are some suggestions of what I call special summer treatments. Please choose your favorite and vote for it in the poll in the right column of the blog.

So let's see what is the ultimate cooling treatment.

1. Beer Treatment

Required for this is a lot of beer in small bottles (big ones will get too warm as you hold them), big tub of ice or portable refrigerator, kids' pool to dip in your feet and sunscreen to protect your face and body.

The procedure is you sit on a chair with your feet in the pool. One hand has a beer in it and the other one is free to reach for a new beer. The trick is that the refrigerator or the tub with ice with the rest of the beers is in your reach so you do not have to stand up to get a new beer.

2. Watermelon Treat

You need a big cold watermelon and an umbrella to protect you from the sun. Simply sit on the ground and slowly nibble on the ice cold watermelon. To maximize the pleasure you can treat yourself with a Cosmopolitan or some other type of girl / gossip magazine (the only requirement is that the magazine does not make you think in any way).

3. EZ Dip-it x4000

A big inflatable chair with a glass holder, an improvised anchor and a pool is needed for this one. If you don't have any pool in the near you can also use the ocean. What you do is you drop the anchor in the pool/ocean to prevent you from moving around and wrap one side of the rope to your wrist. You take a big glass of refreshing drink and put it in the glass holder of your EZ Dip-it x4000. Now all you have to do is sit in it, dip your feet in the water and enjoy.

4. Smoothie Blast

You need a blender and huge amounts of fresh fruit. You can use banana, mango, passion fruit, watermelon, peach, pear, melon and put them in a blender. Add a lot of ice cubes and blend. You could also add milk and ice cream to make the smoothie more milky :) For this one the place of relaxation does not matter as a smoothie is already so refreshing you could only over refresh yourself if you do it in a overly cool place.

5. Office Cooldown

As some people simply need to work through the summer this is a way to cool yourself down in the office environment. All you have to do is ask your boss to be seated right under the air conditioning. Then just remember to bring sweaters as it might get a tad chilly.
If your office does not have air conditioning you will unfortunately have to ask for holidays as there is no way to relax in the hot office while you're working. Sorry :(

6. Beached Whale

You need to be on a nice beach (either sand or pebbles will do). Place yourself just at the end of the beach so that half of you body is in the water and the other half is out. Make sure that you are laying down securely so that the waves cannot move you around. Now enjoy the refreshing splash of every single wave. For maximum pleasure you can employ someone to feed you cold grapes.

7. Convertible Rush

This one might be a bit expensive but hey, I can dream. If you have a convertible, put the roof down, get somebody to drive and you sit in the passenger seat. Drive around on highway, empty roads, near the beach or wherever there is not a lot of traffic so you can maintain a steady speed and keep wind in your hear. For the "diva effect" you can hold a scaft in your hands so it flows behind you. I never really understood how that helps the experience but maybe there's something to it.

These are my suggestions for ways to keep yourself cool when heat wave catches up with you. Vote for your favorite one and make sure it wins the title of "The Ultimate Summer Cooldown Method".

Be cool and keep and eye open for News (TM).

Friday, June 27, 2008

The coolest gadget in the world for relaxation lovers

Yesterday I found the coolest gadget that I've seen in a while. It's actually useful, educative, it can be used outside in the fresh air (meaning it's good for your health), keeps you entertained when you get bored of just laying around in the sun (ok, if that can happen), keeps you connected to your friends (it takes care of your social life) and more and more. So what is this miracle device? It's Pool PC! Pool PC is a waterproof computer made to be used in the pools, oceans, rivers or basically anywhere where there is water and people bored of just floating around in it. It is still only a prototype but I'm sure there are many potential customers out there. I know I am one.

How does it work? You attach this little computer to the swim ring so while you are laying in the pool or the ocean and relaxing in the worm sun you can now also browse the internet, check the news, use Facebook, download and watch movies, chat on MSN and do any other great thing that you usually do with your computer. How great is that! As much as I love laying in the swim ring and floating around the pool imagine how much more fun it would be if I could write e-mails to my friends telling them how much fun I'm having!

This little baby (which I now really want) is powered by solar power so you don't have to worry about low battery, you just need to insure that you are swimming on a sunny day. It has a GPRS tracker in case you float away from the shore while watching your favorite movie, which consequently means less work for the rescue team so everyone is happy. It has a total wireless solution which I think it means that is allows you to access internet from anywhere where there is even a glimpse of wireless internet. You can also use it even outside of water as it has a CD hub and speakers you can attach making it into a small stereo system.

This is a perfect and mandatory device for everyone that loves sun and watter but always knew that there is something missing but couldn't quite tell what it was. Now we know - it's Pool PC! So let's hope this actually gets on the market and we can start making the swimming experience even more super than it already is.

See it for yourself on this page.

Keep your fingers crossed and an eye open for News (TM).

Monday, June 23, 2008

Selection of print winners from Cannes

Here are some selected winners for print ads from Cannes. Personally I think that print ads should be left to be understood by each reader individually because after all they never come with advertiser's explanation. So, no comment from me...simply enjoy the ads.

If you don't understand what ads are trying to communicate to you they're obviously not doing their job very well (award or no award).

Friday, June 20, 2008

Who has the best design?

As promised, here are some more winners for the Cannes advertising festival. Again, I am listing those that i find here is my selection:

Design lions
Grand Prix and
some golden ones

Coca-Cola redesign won the Grand prix for design (the new category this year). Agency responsible for this redesign is Turner Duckworth. They say they simply stripped away all the clutter and made the brand simple again. Coca-Cola yet again has the image it got famous by. Simple. I think this is an example of how simplicity yet again won in advertising and design. Sometimes the simples ideas work the best and we shouldn't try and complicate things too much...oh that only in advertising?

What is something I am always interested? Beer. If only advertising, design and beer would go together. Well if they didn't before they do now. Thanks to the VBAT agency from Amsterdam who did the design and Heineken who provided the product we now have a golden winner for design of alcoholic beverages - Amstel beer bottle. A slick, elegant, sexy beer bottle with a "pull off" top. Now even the most feminine man don't have to feel threatened by masculinity of beer drinking. This "very cosmopolitan and classy looking" beer bottle will make beer drinking a very metropolitan, stylish thing. Well at least to me it looks like something that goes more with a hip 30 year olds' cool lounge than with a pub.

One other golden Lion I want to share with you is more for the ladies. In order to create an intimate atmosphere, one in which we would not feel uncomfortable while explaining what type of "hairdo" we would like to have down under, a Canadian agency GJP Advertising created this clean, innocent, simple and unobtrusive guide to the styles of the private areas (for the Down Under service of Gee Beauty salon in Toronto). I have to admit it took me a while to figure out that they don't actually make a lace like pattern on your "area" but simply make the shape that is demonstrated with the lace pattern. Silly me. All though that could be the next step for the Down Under service. If so, i claim idea ownership of it!

P.S. I really like the names of the styles such as in Material Girl, Gig, Upper Management, Titan and especially Houdini.

So much for today, till next time keep an eye open for News (TM).

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cell phones with highest radiation

For this post I wanted to take a little break from advertising. Don't worry, other winners from Cannes are coming soon... think Coca-Cola till then ;)

Today I will introduce you to ten cell phones with the highest radiation, based on the research done by CNET reviews. So let's see if your cell phone is one of the most brain and sperm damaging.

The radiation is measured in SAR units which is a specific absorption rate for cellular phones. The FCC's (Federal Communication Commision) top level of radiation is 1.6 watts per kilogram. Good for Motorola that a lot of their phones are just bellow or at the limit of allowed radiation. And how lucky must our brain cells be.

Cell phones with highest radiation levels:

1. Motorola V196s - SAR level 1.6

2. Motorola Slvr L6 - SAR level 1.58

3. Motorola Slvr L2 - SAR level 1.54

4. Motorola W385 - SAR level 1.54

5. RIM BlackBerry Curve 8330 (Sprint) - SAR level 1.54

6. RIM BlackBerry Curve 8330 (Verizon Wireless) - SAR level 1.56

7. Motorola Deluxe ic902 - SAR level 1.53

8. T-Mobile Shadow (HTC) - SAR level 1.53

9. Motorola i335 - SAR level 1.53

10. Samsung Sync SGH-C417 - SAR level 1.51

Till next time, keep an eye open for News (TM).

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Voyeurism, cute greeting cards, pub travels the world and internet shut down

And we have the first winners!

Today the winners were announced for Direct Lions and Promo Lions. I'm listing the ones that I find really cool, since this is my blog at I have that right :)

So...let's start with Promo Lions. The Grand Prix went to HBO Voyeur integrated campaign, done by BBDO New York. Campaign's perspective was to strengthen brand loyalty of the super fans of HBO. This was done through a strategy or platform called HBO Voyeur. On different media platforms a house with a wall cut of could be observed so that the spectators could watch what people in the building are doing. Also little pieces of information were scattered around the web about the "inhabitants"of the house to increase the curiosity of the spectators. With this campaign the agency took the act of watching (the integrated part of HBO experience) and made it the vocal point of the campaign. As puts it, everything was done to confront the viewer with the question: "Do you like to watch?". Sounds a bit scary, eh?

If you visit HBO voyeur website you can scroll around the house observing different apartments. The stories you see range from people simply reading their book, to renovating rooms, to even a woman having a baby! Episodes last for about 5 minutes. The Voyeur campaign made it possible for people to track the stories everywhere from life size projection in Manhattan, online website, blogs, TV, to mobile (each of the platforms had specially adjusted content). That's integration!

The campaign had huge success among the super fans, increased positive feelings towards HBO programming, increased brand awareness etc. Successful for sure but I can't help wondering about the "morality"of it. The campaign plays with the massively popular concept of reality shows and people being obsessed with voyeurism. It could be thus said that the campaign simply used what is currently "hot"on TV and made it theirs. Consequently promoting morally questionable behavior of people spying on other people. But on the other hand, it's not HBO's fault people are obsessed with other people and like to watch what's happening in other people's bedrooms. They simply took advantage of it. Good for HBO! And, who am I to talk about the morality of viewers and the voyeurism when I am an addicted viewer of ANTM, Swan, Nanny and others (i think it's stupid and horrible, but I still watch).

So to sum up, I think this is a really cool campaign integrating different media vehicles to promote a brand. Plus during the campaign it makes consumers do exactly what it wants the result to be - watch more TV. Well done!

Other campaigns that won as doing the best promotion in one way or the other are:

- Speight's great beer delivery (client: Lion Nathan, product: Speight's Beer, agency: Publicis Mojo, Auckland): when you put a working pub on a cargo ship and send it to from New Zealand to UK to bring domestic beer to all New Zealanders living in UK, you know you have a great promotion.

- Sense and sensibility deposit (client: Caja Madrid, product: bank account, agency: Shackleton, Madrid): a super cute campaign about how to change your bank without making your previous bank sad and consequently losing a friend. The campaign included postcards with jingles like "Forget me and go away" which could be sent to your previous bank.

- Internet shut down (client: Maor, product: donation organization, agency: Y&R Interactive Tel Aviv): in order to raise awareness for two kigndaped soldier for which all search has stopped, agency recreated a internet shut down. More than 400 major Israeli sites stopped working for five minutes on July 12th, 2007 at 9.05 AM. Instead of "Page not found" users saw "Soldiers not found" page. 65% of Israeli population got exposed to the campaign.

For much more winners from the Promo category, visit the Promo Lions winners site.

Next post will be about the Direct Lions...but till then keep an eye open for more News (TM).

Monday, June 16, 2008

And the lions shall roar!

It will be an interesting week for all of us interested in advertising as the biggest festival in Ad World begins in Cannes. From tomorrow till Sunday we will be able to follow who was the best in "getting" the modern consumer.

This year advertisers are competing in their creativity in 10 categories, nine of which are the typical Lions (Cyber, Direct, Film, Media, Outdoor, Press, Promo, Radio and Titanium and Integrated Lions) and one is a new category - Design Lions. Being new, doesn't make it a shy category. With more than 1100 entries it will be one of the more prestigious Lions to be won.

To make the waiting for the winners pass quicker, here are some interesting statistics about this year's Lions festival in Cannes (as reported by The biggest categories, based on the number of entries this year are the Press Lions with more than 7000 entries, Outdoor with about 5000, Film with a bit over 4600 and Cyber Lions with about 2700 entries. The fastest growing category is Promo Lions with the change in entries from last year of about +40 percent. Not far behind in growth are Titanium and Integrated Lions (+33% change from last year) and Media Lions (20.4% change from last year). What is surprising to me, since internet is such a powerful communication tool today, is that the Cyber Lions have only a 1.7% growth in entries from last year. On the other hand they are still the 4th biggest category in the festival and the use of internet as an advertising medium is judged in other categories as well (for example Media).

Not to forget the guests will we dining exquisite food and enjoying great drinks while attending of the many parties raging from sushi parties, "before-beach" parties to Craig David concert. Oh well, I as well will one day treat myself with a 2000 euro advertising experience (as the Full Delegate registation costs).

For more information on the Lions go to:
and for information on the shortlists go to:

Till next time, keep an eye open for
News (TM).

Friday, June 13, 2008

Welcome to news (TM).

Here i will try and post everything that i find interesting and that catches my attention. Keep an eye open for news (TM).